
The MagiPay Project

MagiPay is a payment gateway for Coin MAGI. The motivation of developing MagiPay is to have the MAGI being used in a relatively easy way. MagiPay is standalone and unique to coin MAGI. Features:

1. Registration & create MagiPay box

After registration, click "Create Payment Box" and fill out relevant blocks:

Notice the callback URL is the path where the php file (i.e., "magipay.callback.php") is placed (example:

2. MagiPay integration

1) Download the merchant files from, and store them in your server

2) Modify db_connect.php and magipay.keys.php (for details see

3) Run magipay.createtable.php through browser, example

4) Change the following file to enable MagiPay payment option for your online shop:

Notice the action upon receiving payment as highlighted.

3. Example

1) Checkout

2) Pay through m-wallet

3) Payment received

4) Payment transfered to local merchant's wallet